...if you know what I mean :)

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As my Bachelor's thesis I created Android library for simple creating Location based games.

Location based games are games, which somehow depends on actual position of player(s) in real world. For playing is usually used smartphone with GPS receiver (and eventually with internet connection).

This library actually supports creating single player games without moving objects (which means without enemies and artificial intelligence). It should be useful for various ciphering, logical games, or any other simple games - limitation is mostly only your imagination.

Functions of library

Library is taking care of game loading and progress, processing position of player, updating of game time, enables feedback (sound effects, vibrations, switching dialogs, etc.), allows interaction with real world (supports scanning QR codes), watches entering and leaving user to/from game areas and distributes various game events to application.

Creating a game application is divided into 3 parts:

  1. Game scenario - definition of game objects, events, etc.
  2. User interface - buttons, map, dialogs, etc.)
  3. Rest of application logic

Game scenario

Game scenario contains a definition of game objects and logic. It is stored in *.xml file, which is is easily readable and editable. The library then ensures its loading, processing and execution.

By the way, it is possible that the author of the scenario is someone who doesn't know programmming in Java/Android. He just needs to have some univesal already completed GUI/application.

You can look at example scenario which contains everything what could be defined there. It is fully commented so it should be easily understandable for you.

Rest of application logic

To communicate with the library you need to implement some of the basic methods for receiving game events and reacting to them. And of course any other custom events (e.g. tap on button) and communication with user interface.


I'd like to add new functions and options in the future, but I need your feedback - what features do you miss or what needs to be changed/improved to suit your needs.

If there would be anyone interested and would like to use this library, I will do my best to answer eventual questions.


Library is released under Apache License Version 2.0, which means free even for commercial purposes.

Screenshots of demo application

Gamework app - Map Gamework app - Message Gamework app - Tools Gamework app - Notification

External links

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